
Mongodb BI Connector Installation guide

Make sure OpenSSL installed on your host

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
brew update
brew install openssl

Install the BI Connector

Download the MongoDB Connector for BI

tar -xvzf mongodb-bi-osx-x86_64-{version}.tgz
sudo install -m755 bin/mongo* /usr/local/bin/

Launch the BI Connector

Create schema file with mongodrdl

// mongodb without authentication
mongodrdl -d zly -o schema.drdl

// mongodb with authentication
sudo mongodrdl --host <host:port> -d <databaseName> -c <collectionName> -u opadmin -p 123456 --authenticationDatabase zlydata -o patientInfo.drdl

//--host    -h    //默认localhost
//--port     -p    //默认27017
//--db    -d    //指定database
//--collecion        -c        //指定集合,默认db中的所有集合
//--out            -o        //指定输出schema文件

//--username        -u        //用户名
//--password        -p        //密码
//--authenticationDatabase <dbname>    //指定用户创建的db
//--authenticationMechanism <name>    //指定认证机制,默认SCRAM-SHA-1

you can create lots of schema file for different collection

Starting mongosqld with a Schema File

mongosqld --schema schema.drdl

OR Starting mongosqld with a Config File

    uri: dds-2ze665***********6-pub.mongodb.rds.aliyuncs.com:3717
      username: "opadmin"
      password: "123456"
      mechanism: "SCRAM-SHA-1"
      source: "zlydata"
  enabled: true
  port: 3307

  path: "/opt/mongo_bi/schema"
mongosqld --config mongosqld.config

OR Starting mongosqld with systemd on linux

mongosqld install --config mongosqld.config
service mongosql start

sorry, i didn’t start it successful, there’s a failure i didn’t konw why

Connect from MySQL shell

Install the C Authentication Plugin and MySQL client

  1. Download the MySQL5.7.x installer
    and install the MySQL Community Server, which includes the MySQL shell
  2. Download the C Authentication Plugin
  3. Move the file mongosql_auth.so to mysql plugin directory./lib/plugin/,you can find it by running the following command:
    mysql_config --plugindir


// mongo without authentication
mysql --protocol tcp --port 3307

// mongodb with authentication
mysql --protocol tcp --host --port 3307 '--user=opadmin?source=zlydata' --default-auth=mongosql_auth -p

Connect from Other Client

Install the JDBC Authentication Plugin

  1. you can either download the plugin .jar file directly or use Maven
  2. save it to a local directory, and select it as a jdbc driver to de client.
  3. add the authentication plugin in the MySQL connection string:

  4. you may also specify the authentication mechanism and authentication source as a query parameter on the username, for example:
